Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Two Steps Back..

I sit in front of my desk searching for some credible journal articles or interesting websites, I come across a horrifying website by Conservative think tanks from Washington D.C. called the Heritage Foundation. Their website, which dedicates an entire section to Energy and the Environment, is in my opinion anti-Socialist to the core. This website is just covered with anti-environmentalist articles and to think, this "organization" is one of the most influential research groups and has significant influence in policy-making for the U.S. government! This, frankly scares the shit out of me. If you don't have the time to read through their website (there are a lot of articles), promise to read this one in particular.





  1. i'd like to hear you argue those "5 reasons". but your definitely right it is some scary shit that people or groups like this have any influence at all in government or even just over the public.
    i like this website more: http://www.epa.gov/

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. While the inability to agree on the issue within the scientific community is something I take into consideration when looking at the issue. But wait a second? Could it be possibly that the scientist are using different data and therefore come to different conclusions? Does this make me a scientist? The thing that really gets me is the energy issue. The people who suggest that a windmill, or a solar panel won't bring in the energy that a nuclear power plant are absolutely correct. But maybe we don't need those Wal-mart (powerplants), but rather should resort to more independent businesses (solar panels, windmills, etc) that could help out the community their in. Instead of thinking bigger and better, how about smaller and better? OR, maybe we just put a glass dome over the entire United States so that they can finally understand that global warming is something that actually occurs, and the the greenhouse effect is real (and therefore something God created? Maybe if we tell the US that God created the Greenhouse Effect, the extremely conservative evangelical christians will be able to better understand it?). Just a thought. That website drives me nuts. Thanks Ely.

  4. Sorry, got a little heated up there.

  5. haha as you tend to do, and this is why your my friend


  6. first off thank you very much for the link. i found it interesting to say the least, and someone has already said best it scares the shit out of me too.
    when we look at these types of organization we must keep in mind that they fund our society and are backed up by the big business of our countries. i know this will be a tough sell on here but if we don't recognize both sides its tough to fully argue the facts. To be metaphorical they are the ones who built, financed and lobbied for "the glass dome: that saves the us from global warming.
