Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So I was stumbling again.....

Okay so I've heard of houses made out of recycled, shipping containers (you know, like the ones on the back of  trailer trucks), former garbage truck RV and biodegradable cell phones, but that is like not even close to this cool!

Magma Design’s LoftFloats offer sustainable living in fluvial surroundings


  1. That is bad ass. 80,000 Euros isn't that bad either. I wonder what would happen if there was a really bad storm? It would not work in areas like Louisiana. I guess you could just jump on land and watch it swamped by a hugh wave. Wow, i'm really negative.

  2. hahaha. It can't work in areas with terrible govt assisstance esp in the US I think. Well I guess these homes are like the ones in like Asia countries where they're homes are literally like boats that float on rivers all day except amped up.
