Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Environmental Hysteria - Pen & Teller


  1. Ohhh god. And I used to like Penn and Teller. Watch the 3rd video at 7:30 and listen to what the douche bag says. Isnt that what everyone agrees on and what environmentalism is all about? The goal like he said is to find a solution to using wood products and what not, but to meet the needs of 6.5 billion people at the same time. Im pretty sure in order to do that, one needs to look at companies that chop trees down and pollute water and air. Hmmmmm that former Greenpeace dude is just a little confused. I also love the fact that Penn and Teller got paid $5 by some PR group from an anti environmentalist corporation to make that programme. They just happened to find the most radical protesters didn't they, what a coincidence.


  2. I too like to tan in October. So I guess global warming isn't all bad?

    Also I think with this show it's important to keep in mind the people Penn and Teller 'choose' to interview. The show is called bullshit, and I think they do a great job at showing the extreme's of the issues, and then giving a 'middle of the road' perspective which, one could argue, is still bullshit. I think the show does an amazing job at angering people on both sides of the debate and it personally made me (one who is sympathetic to the environmental movement) want to take a lot more time and read up on different perspectives. All the show does is give different (albiet exteme) views on an issue, making the viewer (hopefully) want to look into the issue more.


  3. I looked it up and apparently this was aired around 7 yrs ago. Wow thats outdated now I think of it. But it still does bring up relevant isssues such as the confusions surronding global warming good watch
