Saturday, March 13, 2010


So guess what I did today? I did some good old fashioned eavesdropping. Thats right people, im creepy like that. I was actually waiting to use the microwave at school and I was just listening to a conversation these two guys were having in the room. It went something like this:

-"Hey man, so I was in washroom, and someone wrote on the wall, 'im the FES ghost, plant more trees or ill touch you in your sleep!'"
+"Haha.....that is so funny"
-"I know.....haha. You see, even the environmental studies people are f%$#ed up like that"
+"Well, you know what it's what they believe in, you know. They just like to plant trees, fu!king tree huggers"
-Haha......well University is like that. If your in University you have to choose something that you want to do, something that you like and can relate too. I guess these guys can relate to the environment."
+Yea you're right, like how I am into law and you are into economics. We choose those fields because we like them.
-+Muhahahaha!!!!!!.................(ok it didn't end like that exactly)

You can tell I was trying to hold in my laughter and my anger at the same time. So I walked in and told them I was the FES ghost. Haha I probably should have but I didn't. Im just really confused by what those two guys said. I dont know why one guy said f'in tree huggers. I surely had the right to say 'f'in wallstreeters!' Or 'f'in judge ball lickers!'......excuse the language. So does that mean we, as in environmentalists, just like the environment. We just 'like' it? We can 'relate' to it? Well then sorry for my misunderstanding but I guess these two guys, if they cant relate to the environment, must be from outer space. I guess they breathe some other element and drink some other liquid. I guess the food they were warming up was from Mars. Im sorry, but what a stupid conversation. Environmentalists are super heros and if society doesn't see that, then Elyssa, Elli, Eric and Kitty...... your my super heros : )


1 comment:

  1. That kind of outrages me to be honest. Just goes to show what ignorance leads you to think. Or at the very least, iunno I dont want to get roudy on this blog since our profs or TAs may read this. Anyways I suppose its really bc theres a huge difference in values between people in different areas of study right? Those guys were in law and economics, both are studying in areas that frankly does not really hold the environment in high regard. The focus in those studies is "winning" I think in the sense of being sucessful. They care more about making money in the end. We could go into a heated discussion about money and university majors and whatnot. But I dont find this very surprising. It isn't econ and law majors who think this. I found a commodificaton poster vandalised in the HNES: "screw you hippies" Anyone could have wrote this, even someone in environmental studies.
